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On 12/12/2011 01:29 AM, e-letter wrote:
On 11/12/2011, jef peeraer<>  wrote:
On 12/10/2011 05:54 PM, e-letter wrote:
On 10/12/2011, jef peeraer<>   wrote:
i have a website that generates reports in HTML. it contains nice

Not able to generate a csv report? Assuming you are importing into a
spreadsheet to perform data manipulation, why is pretty formatting
well, this is not an issue for me, but for other users i now, and they are always referring to the other spreadsheet program. My task is of course to counteract and to show them that it works even better in LO. This was one question popping up by a user, and i agree, why do pretty formatting in excel, but i just want to have an answer ready

tables, with headers andso. in another spreadsheet program, i can just
ctrl-a, ctrl-c and then ctrl-v, all tables are nicely imported, even the
markup is converted to the spreadsheet.
Can i do this with LO ?

What is stopping you to continue using the other spreadsheet?
trying to convert some people, is a goof thing, no ?

Have you tried yet??? Then tell us the results!
well, i can't use Insert>  Link to External Data, because i don't hace
an URL of that generated report.

What is wrong with the function 'paste special' and the option 'as
html' in the dialogue window?


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