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On 09/12/11 17:19, 20rdj04 wrote:
Suddenly, all my documents have frames around them.  I must assume
that the frames come from LO's new version  3.3.4 (or whatever).  I
like my pages to be clean, not with a lot of distractions.  CAN I
turn off/remove the frames? I have already attempted to change the
color to white so they would fade away :(  Thanks.

I.m guessing that you are referring to borders and I'm also guessing that the borders are around your pages. If so, turn them off with format>page and the Borders tab. Now ask yourself how/why you turned them on in the first place so as to avoid a repeat.

Hint. If they have appeared on multiple documents it is likely that the border formatting is applied via a page style that you commonly use.

If my guesswork is invalid, try a more explicit description of your problem.


Peter HB

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