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Hi :)
to using a database.  I would set-up a Query and use that but normal users would probably prefer a 
pretty gui and the fastest way to do that is to set-up a Form based on the Query.  By default Forms 
will probably show a list of tables first and then Queries afterwards so it's not more difficult to 
set-up.  Plus you can edit a Query easily if they suddenly decide they want some extra filtering 
that they didn't bother to tell you about at the outset.  

Setting up a simple form is pretty easy and almost does it itself.  Joining this mailing list is 
tougher.  Base can even use the existing spreadsheet as its back-end table.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Mon, 5/12/11, David S. Crampton <> wrote:

From: David S. Crampton <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc: How to refresh advanced filter automatically
Date: Monday, 5 December, 2011, 15:06


It might help us to know more about your application. There are functions within Calc to do this 
under the menu item: Data.  Using these database-like operations in Calc (or any other spreadsheet) 
requires a reasonably experienced level of user.  The user must place the "15" in exactly the 
correct cell and then navigate to the portion of the spreadsheet which will display the result.

This type of operation, IMHO, is better done in a database, ie. LO Base.  The user input can be 
gathered through a Form. The results of the query are quick and interactive.

If you are just beginning to design this application for users please make a good decision about 
spreadsheet versus database for the "engine". I just finished 10 years of IT Management which 
included troubleshooting massive and tangled spreadsheet apps that should have been databases from 
the beginning.
--David S. Crampton

On Mon, 05 Dec 2011 06:08:46 -0800, relgames <> wrote:


I have Calc file with a long list of rows, what I need is to filter those
rows by some criteria entered by user.
So, if user enters "15" into some cell, list should immediately update
itself and show only rows containing "15"

Any suggestions?


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