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Hi "parafly",

parafly schrieb:

How to reproduce:
1. Open OpenOffice Impress
2. Draw a rectangle shape
3. Right click on the rectangle and select "Position and Size..."
4. Go to "Slant and Corner Radius" Tab
5. Choose a corner radius

The rectangle is displayed correctly (with round corners).  If I save the
presentation and close Impress, then open the Impress document again the
corner radius are now back to 0cm.

I am using LibreOffice V3.4.4. OOO340m1(Build:402).

Is this a bug or do I have to do something different that the radius is

The single rectangle icon in Impress is the same as the rectangle out of the custom shapes. That rectangle is not able to store the information "corner radius". The part in the Position&Size should be disabled. That it is not disabled is a bug.

If you want a rectangle with such a corner radius you need to customize the toolbar. In the category drawing you will find two items 'rectangle'. I suggest to use that with helptext 'toolbox' which will give you all of the classical rectangles.

You can also consider to use the rounded rectangle from the custom shapes.

Classical shapes and custom shapes differ mostly in the way they handle their text.

Kind regards

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