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For those of you that would like to see the spelling word list, that is part of the American English Spelling-Hyphenation-Thesaurus with over 638K spelling word list, below is a link to the .odt file. It is a 5 column per page document with over 11,800 pages. Just to warn you, LO has issues with formatting a document with that number of columns and pages, though it is only 2.2 MB in size. Plus the original word list used "LF" to separate each line/word. So, scrolling down the page can be a issue, but if you do it slowly and forgive the errors that LO had while importing, you will see this very large word list, one page at a time. Actually I do not know of any word processor that can easily handle such a document size.

PLEASE do not try to Export-to-PDF. It can take hours and hours for the package to "re-paginate" the document for "proper printing". Yes, I tried and decided to quit after a 4+ hours. It only take a minute or two to open or save it, though.

You can find all by American English, British English, and Canadian English, dictionaries at the following link.

The exact name of the dictionary I am talking about - "kpp-american-english-dictionary-638k-word-list.oxt"

Below is the list of the 11 dictionaries that I have placed in the Extension Center for the users to try out. [and no there is not 98K version for Canadian English]




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