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Thanks Pedro -

you've nailed it. I'm using 3.3.4 on a pen drive, and I can stretch my
videos again!


On 17 November 2011 14:11, Pedro <> wrote:
I can confirm that it is not possible to stretch a video beyond 100% (it will
just resize the box, but not the video) in LO 3.4.4 under Windows (in my
case XP SP3 x86)

You can however shrink the video. So the conclusion is that it can
interpolate but not extrapolate the image (also called upscaling)

Since you mentioned that you used to be able to do this with LO, and I
assume you don't want to go back to version 3.3.4, I suggest that you
download version 3.3.4 Portable and use it to solve your problem.

Since this is a regression I suggest that you could submit a bug report.

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