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Hi guys,
Thanks for the useful suggestions!
- Steve A.

*=== Jerry wrote:*
Since the comment will always have a single location as a starting point
why not just highlight the selection using the highlight tool on the
Formatting Toolbar and then insert the comment?  That should make it clear
that your comment refers to the entire highlighted text.  - Jerry

*=== Dan Lewis wrote: *
Just a personal thought that at least would appear to do what is wanted:
apply a highlight color to the selected text.  Then click in the middle of
the selected text and add the comment.  -- Dan

*=== Tom Davies wrote:*
Hi :)  I am never quite sure what people mean by "comments" as the term
seems to be used differently in different places.  * Can you select an area
of text and then -- Format - Character -- and then use one of those tabs to
add something like alternate text or something?  I think i am going
completely the wrong direction for what is required.  - Apols and regards
from Tom :)

*=== Steve wrote:*
* I would like to insert a comment that refers to some text that I have
selected (a phrase or sentence), rather than a single cursor point.  * I
tried selecting the desired text, then clicking Insert/ Comment (or
Ctrl-Alt-C), but the resulting comment points to the beginning point of the
selected text, rather than the whole thing.  * Is there any way to do this?
 I looked at the documentation and FAQ but can't see anything.  - Thanks.
 Steve A.

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