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* Thanks for your advice about navigation of comments (below).
* I have another question related to comments in LO 3.4.4 (Writer).
* I would like to insert a comment that refers to some text that I have
selected (a phrase or sentence), rather than a single cursor point.
* I tried selecting the desired text, then clicking Insert/ Comment (or
Ctrl-Alt-C), but the resulting comment points to the beginning point of the
selected text, rather than the whole thing.
* Is there any way to do this?  I looked at the documentation and FAQ but
can't see anything.
- Thanks.  Steve A.

*=== Mirosław Zalewski ( wrote (11.12, 4:52 AM)*:
* Although I have LO 3.4 installed, I don't think that 3.3 was any
* To insert comment, use Insert (from toolbar) → Comment.  Comments are
placed on text cursor position.
* To browse comments, click "Navigation" (this is small circle in lower
right of LO window, right above zoom) and select "Note" (in lower row).
 Then you can jump to next and previous note by using double-arrow buttons
above and below of Navigation button.
* If I recall correctly, in LO 3.3 there was a bug which prevented you from
scrolling document if text cursor is in note.  It was fixed in 3.4.

*=== Aleksey Rukhlenko ( wrote (11.12, 4:15 AM)*:
Re: Reviewing and commenting in LO 3.3
Greetings, colleagues.
* Are there any possibilities of commenting and reviewing in LO 3.3?  I
mean, how can I insert comments to the text and after that quickly browse
* I would appreciate any advises.
- Best regards, Aleksey

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