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I just had to say that the find/change feature in Libre Office and macros
work great. In fact the thing I tried to do in Word 2007 didn't work near
as well. Now I'm not knocking Word because I like it alot. I have some text
documents where I need to extract some segment numbers from and I am able
to do it cleanly and very fast using a couple of find/change operations in
a single macro. So the everything is striped out leaving just the 3 digit
number separated by commas. The whole operation of setting the macro up was
faster in Libre Office and it seems there are more regex option available
than I was able to find in Word. Anyway the bottom line is I am pleased. I
have moved MS Office off my laptop to the computer downstairs at home and
am running Libre Office on my laptop. I'm liking it.


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