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I've been searching the documentation and the forums for a hint on the
following questions:

I am using the Pivot Table functionality of calc to analyse data in a MySQL
I've succeded in doing this on my own computer, by creating a base
document, linked to the source server.

My first question is as follows: I find this a little bit confusing: is
there a way to directly link Calc to the SQL server via a DSN, like Excel
does ?

Secondly, i'd like to distribute the spreadsheet prepared on my computer to
an range of users, so that they can just "refresh" the data in those
spreadsheet from the source server.

Therefore my second question is as follows: how can i minimize the
installation work on the other users computers, for them to do this ? In
Excel, that is very easy as you can just mail the spreadsheet that contains
the source server's "address".
Is there a way just to distribute the base document containing the link to
the server and the calcs ?

Thanks a lot,

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