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Hi Marcus,

Marcus Moeller schrieb:
On 11/02/2011 06:59 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Marcus,

Marcus Moeller schrieb:
Hi all,

I am trying to embedd an Draw page into a Writer document, using OLE.

Is it really necessary?

Are there any other options?

You can use the clipboard and insert content of the Draw document as "Drawing Format". Then all drawing objects are inserted to the "draw page" of the Writer document. Writer can handle all kind of drawing objects on its draw page, it is only the toolbar in Writer, which has not all kind of objects. For that purpose a group the drawings together with an underlying frameless rectangle in Draw.

You can put the drawing into the Gallery. The Gallery is a good place for those drawing objects, which are missing in the Writer drawing toolbar.

You can save the drawing into a metafile format and insert that as picture. I use mostly that way, because then cropping and wrap settings are easier done. I usually link that picture, and if I need an update I overwrite the picture file, when I export the updated drawing from Draw.

The problem is that the page is not inserted in the original size/zoom
factor, but about 50%.

Do you insert from file or do you generate a new OLE, which has no file?

I inserted from a file.

Compare the page size of the Draw document with the text area width in
Writer and add margins, that are needed for rulers and scrollbars. Does
the Draw source document has enough place in the Writer target document?

Page settings/margins are both the same in writer and draw. The draw
document seems to have enough place in writer.

I cannot confirm the behavior with LO3.4.3. The zoom is 100%. But the initial image section does not show the whole page, but uses text area width and a height of about 1/3 text area height. There had been several problems with OLE in Writer. Do you use an actual version of LibreOffice?

When I plan to insert drawings in Writer I make the drawings smaller than the page in Writer.

Is the OLE anchored to paragraph with "follow text flow"? Than it is
restricted to the page text area.


I have also tried to set the zoom factor in Edit mode (embedded Draw),
but the function is disabled there.

Zooming is done with the object mode (green handles).

This deforms the object.

If you set the size in the dialog, you have to check "keep ratio" and if you use the mouse, you have to press the Shift-key while dragging.

The only 'workaround' I have found is to open the draw file in draw, set
zoom factor of the document to 200% and save it (not sure if that's
really necessary). Afterwards open Writer and embed the OLE object. Now
it has the size as visually shown in draw (which is 200% zoom factor).

That does not work here. It results in an arbitrary initial image section. But I remember that it had worked in older versions.

Kind regards

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