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Short Answer: DOCX files are not in ODF format.

Longer Answer:

 1. There is such information in the ODF 1.2 Specification Parts 1 and 3. 
However, it will not help with correctly recognizing a DOCX file in LO or OOo. 
There is a separate International Standard on the OOXML format used by DOCX 
and how Zip is used as part of that.

 2. (Note, some DOCX files are encrypted OOXML documents, and that is actually 
a different format described in a different specification, even though the 
file will still have the .docx extension ending its name.)

 3. There is some indication that mobile applications are not necessarily 
producing the DOCX that LO/OOo is expecting.  It may be non-standard. 
Whatever it is, MS Office is forgiving about it.

 - Dennis E. Hamilton
   tools for document interoperability,  <>  gsm: +1-206-779-9430  @orcmid

-----Original Message-----
From: ESChamp []
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 09:45
To: Libre Office
Subject: [libreoffice-users] The guts of ODF files

Is there a reference somewhere that specifies what has to be in an ODF
file to be recognized as one of the ODF types?

I'm asking because I have a DOCX file created by an app on my phone that
opens in MS Office, but is not recognized by LO.


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