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I am running Ubuntu 10.04LTS and tested out the Reverse order with all three of my printers. Epson Artisan 810 [the one I would need reverse order for], a HP Color Laserjet 2600n, and a HP PSC1410. I tested it by printing the first two pages of a 4 page document. I had no problem with the reverse order printing.

What is your OS?  Windows 7, Vista, XP? or are you using Mac or Linux?
What is you printer model?  HP, Epson, or other inkjet or laser printer?

The problem with reverse printing is that it seems not to be part of the printer's default options for Ubuntu. I know that Windows versions of these printer drivers have a few more options, but I do not remember seeing a reverse order option in the default setups, outside the programs you are printing from. I know that if I print on one side of the paper, when printing with the Epson, would need to have the pages print in reverse order, same with the other inkjet. But it does not seem to be an option that can be set as a default. I see no option except in the print option.

Actually, it may be that your printer might not work with all its options withing LO. My Epson has a duplex feature, but LO seems not to be able to set that feature's control to turn it on.

I wish I could help you, but without knowing what your computer's OS, or what the make/model of the printer you are using, it is hard to give that type of help.

On 10/26/2011 12:20 AM, Rodger wrote:

I have 3.4.3 and the "reverse order" option is NOT in General OR in Print.
The only place it appears is in the individual document "print" option which is
an "override" only and not a setting that can be saved. YUCH!

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