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Note to the list:  Aisha is not subscribed and will not receive email unless included in header.

Just a quick note to you, Alisha:  your reply came only to me.  I think you might have clicked 
'Reply' when you answered, but it's better to click 'Reply All'.  Normally it's okay to click 
'Reply' on messages from the mailing list, if you are subscribed to it.  You're apparently not 
subscribed yet, so your messages have to be approved by a moderator before they get to the list.  
Once you're subscribed, you'll get all your messages from the list and send them all to the list 
but until then, if you don't click 'Reply All' they will only go to the person who sent you the 
email.  (You can subscribe by sending an empty email to from 
your normal email address, presumably the one you're using.)

If you check the list after you get this email, you'll see what I mean.  Your reply below will be 
missing from the thread.  Now the rest of my message will be inline.

On Oct 6, 2011, at 23:24 , wrote:

OH Thank you SO much for the reply James,

I have 3 nautilus prog. available to install:actions configuration, scrips manager & pastebin 
configurater. The descriptions of each are a little lost on me as to how they would do the task 
you suggest. Can you help me determine which I would need. I installed the actions config. but 
see no where an option to access files with it. I'm sure it's quite simple & once I get the hang 
of things will be fine, but until then I'm clueless : /
thanks again,

I don't know about the three programs you mention.  They might be specialist versions.  But if you 
have installed Ubuntu, you already have the default Nautilus installed, the one I mean and the one 
Tom Davies refers to in his post (see the mailing list).  Just double click on, say, your Home 
icon, and Nautilus will open.  It looks and acts rather like Windows Explorer.  If it's not on your 
desktop, you'll find Home under Places on the menu.  You'll also find Documents there, and it's 
likely your LibreOffice documents have landed there anyway, so you can open that folder instead.

On , James Wilde <> wrote:
Hi Alisha:

An attempt to help you will be found inline.

On Oct 5, 2011, at 22:19 , The Glenn's wrote:

*Hi there,

I'm new to ubuntu, REALLY liking it! One silly thing I need help with: HOW

do I delete a doc? I made a new doc, but can't delete the old, no right

click is availble & I don't see anywhere under any tab within libreoffice to

simple send to trash/delete? looked on forums & help on libre site, nothing.

THANKS SO MUCH for the help : )


Deleting a document is not something you do from within LibreOffice.  It's something you do 
from the operating system.

I suggest you open Nautilus in Ubuntu, navigate to the folder where the document you wish to 
delete is located, and then try right click.

Alternatively, if you save the new document with the same name as the old one, LibreOffice 
should write over the old one, first asking you if this is what you want.



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