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On Sat, 2011-10-01 at 15:51 -0500, Jason Paul Joines wrote: 

I'm using LibreOffice 3.4.3 with Zotero 2.1.10, Zotero Integration 3.5b1 extension and FireFox 7.0.1 on Kubuntu 

     If I copy text containing citations and paste it within an existing 
document, the fields are lost so the citations just become plain text.  
Then if I change the citation style, citations in the pasted text are 
not updated.  So, after pasting I have to go re-insert every citation in 
the pasted text.
     If I cut and paste, citations are preserved as fields.

     According to the Zotero Forums,, 
the issue is with the way / LibreOffice handles fields 
and there is nothing Zotero can do about it.
     The only work around is to save the document in word format and use 
word bookmarks instead of LibreOffice ReferenceMarks.

     Is there any setting in LibreOffice that will take care of this?
Does paste special have any effect? 


Jay Lozier

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