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At 08:53 30/09/2011 -0700, Mark Levison wrote:
I'm wondering if there is a way to export notes pages only. Back in the world of powerpoint I could export a presentation as Notes pages. The reader would get the powerpoint slide and all the notes behind it.
The best I managed since switching to Libre is to export the notes 
pages after the presentation itself. So the recipient gets two 
copies of the presentation. Once without notes and once with them. I 
would prefer just to get the presentation with notes pages. Is there 
anyway to achieve this?
This document illustrates the problem 
I don't see that there is any facility to Export the notes alone to 
PDF.  You can *print* just the notes, of course: there is a "Print 
content" section in the Print dialogue, and one option is Notes.  If 
you need a PDF file instead of printed pages, one workaround would be 
to obtain a virtual PDF printer for your system and then to use the 
Print functionality to create such files.  Free versions of such 
virtual PDF printer software are available.  Another option would be 
to obtain PDF editing software (again available in free versions) and 
to use this to strip out from the PDF file exported from Impress just 
the pages you wanted.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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