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On 26/09/11 23:25, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 26.09.2011 05:58, Steve Edmonds wrote:
Hi. A spreadsheet is a different way of working. At school we would have
learned 556.85 /646.15*100 to calculate the percentage but formatting in
the spreadsheet as a percentage saves multiplying by 100.

But 86.17968 is wrong. 86.17968 does not reflect the relation between
the 2 numbers which is 0.8617968.

I agree if spread sheet formatting is used. The proportion or ratio is
0.8617968, the percentage is 86.17968. If you were calculating the
percentage using a pencil and paper you would use 556.85 /646.15*100. 
If I want to perform another calculation in another cell, such as the
percentage calculated above-5%, I have to be careful.
A1 = 646.15
A2 = 556.85
A4 = A2/A1 format as %
A5 = A4-5 is wrong. (very simple example)

Sometimes it can just be simpler to calculate the percentage and work in
% for subsequent operations than to calculate and format as %.

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