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Just for the sake of trying it to see if this helps;
Have you installed the Language Tool or Linguist extensions? I use these as my defaults.

I have these installed on an old Compaq Win XP system that I just installed 3.4.3 on it. [It did not have LO on it before.] My test show that when I clicked on the "spell check" icon, it opened the spell checking system and worked fine for me.

This is the text listed with the extension on the link above.
This award-winning extension is a valuable addition to spell checking in multiple languages. Java must be installed on the computer. For more information, visit the English homepage

So if the spell checking does not work. Try this. Also, save the folder that includes the info on your profile for LO [somewhere else] and then delete it. Then open LO again. That does some resetting. If the spell checker works then, that would mean your has a bad profile file[s]. I know where it is for Ubuntu, but I could not find it in Windows without a lot of time in the search. Also, XP, Vista, and Win7 seem to have profiles in different places sometimes. Some Windows user may have the exact file/folder name and where it is located.

On 09/26/2011 06:26 AM, STRINGER LEON wrote:

I installed LO 3.4.3 (OOO340m1 Build 302) a few weeks ago and I've
just noticed that the spell check (both AutoSpellCheck and
Tools->Spelling and Grammar...) don't work.

For AutoSpellCheck, mispelled words are not underlined.

For Spelling and Grammar I just immediately get a message saying "The
spell check is complete".

I installed LibO_3.4.3_Win_x86_helppack_en-GB and I've re-run the
installer with the repair option but no improvement. (English (UK) is
my default language for documents).

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this isn't working?

I have had previous versions installed if that might be conflicting?

Running on Windows XP SP3.



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