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On Sep 21, 2011, at 18:25 , Luciano R. Moreira - Desenvolvimento wrote:


 The problem is:

 - The date fields and values ??are being displayed in the program "Open Office / BR Office / 
LibreOffice" with the character (apostrophe) and cause error in the calculation of the value 
field because they are as text. Take the example of incorrect visualization in OpenOffice / 
BROffice / LibreOffice: '$ 100.00

Is there any solution or configuration LibreOffice to view the date fields and value to its 
corresponding type in the program "Open Office or BROffice or LibreOffice"? Is there a solution 
to correctly view this way: $ 100.00?

Forgive a probably stupid input in this discussion, but your problem reminds me of one I had 
recently with gnucash.  Are you sure that there is complete agreement between the locale settings 
in a) your system, b) LibreOffice and c) your program?  In particular the system settings can be 
crucial, especially if you have a 'blended' so-called custom setting there.  You may, for example, 
have the US setting, modified to account for Brazilian variations.  In linux and on the Mac you can 
actually fix this using the LC_xxx locale settings, but I don't know how you would do this on 
Windows, and since you're also using Excel, you are presumably using Windows.

Remember that Microsoft's Excel has no problems.


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