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        sorry, but in Libo 3.3 or
    OOo 3.3, only non hidden rows and columns are copied.I think the problem is paste on the non 
hidden cells.Miguelngel.El 21/09/11 0:39, Gustavo Pacheco escribi:Hi people!

 I would invite you to collaborate with the development of "Copy only
visible cells" extension. In many cases, "Copy only visible cells" provides
an alternative to the 'Select Visible Cells' command in Microsoft Excel.
Its useful to use with subtotals or ranges with hidden columns or rows.

 At moment, the extension supports only English, Portuguese, French, German,
Italian and Spanish languages. My goal is to add more languages with the
help of the community.

 If you want to contribute, just send me a private email (to: gbpacheco AT with a translation of the phrase "Copy only visible cells", your
language, your country and your name (for the credits).

 Its simple and you can help other people who speak your language. You can
try 'Copy only visible cells' extension at the new extension 
 Gustavo Pacheco.
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