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Hello Alex,
Seems like I unfortunately cannot get rid of the Java Runtime environment.
The reason is that the report-generator needs it!!!  :(

On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 17:50:19 +0200, Alexander Thurgood <> wrote:

Le 16/09/11 20:44, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

When I enter data into a table where some columns have a default value
(i.e., I do NOT actually enter ANYTHING into such colums but rely on the
default value) this default value is actually entered correctly into the
However, the default value is not shown on completion of data entry.
Only when selecting
the tuple afterwards do I see that everything is o.k.
This only happens on my Linux system. LO Base on MS-Vista with
the native
MySQL-Connector does everything correctly.

The native connector and the ODBC have limitations which are different
(I don't remember where originally they were listed, but they were,
probably when the native connector first came out or was in development).

Additionally, there is a lot of buggy behaviour in current ODBC
implementation with mysql from within OOo/LibO. One of the problems I
remember with the ODBC connector is that OOo was unable to completely
ask for all of the functionality supported by the driver, and even then,
sometimes the driver incorrectly reported back to OOo what it was
capable of handling. So there are several possible causes :

- new bug introduced with the OOo 3.4.x branch and taken over into the
LibO code ;
- bug in the ODBC driver itself;
- new bug just in the LibO code that affects ODBC connections.

Having had problems myself with a proprietary ODBC connector on Mac, and
accessing a mysql db via OOo/LibO, I tend to favour the first of the
three possibilities I listed.

I would report it as a bug and add it to the increasingly long list.


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