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Am 14.09.2011 19:50, James wrote:
I want to see if this works for anyone (on another than Linux platform).

1. compose a new message in Thunderbird
2. Enter
libreoffice-users Mailing List <>
on the to line:
3. Select all the to: and copy it to the clipboard
4. Create an empty spreadsheet
5. Past the clipboard in a cell

It should work.

Now try (quotes around the name):
"libreoffice-users Mailing List" <>
It only pastes what is inside the quotes.
Even past-special doesn't work.

Past into the expression bar, it works.

In a spreadsheet I would always prefer a list of 2 columns, one for the mail address, another for a label and let a formula build the hyperlink. This way I can simply edit all hyperlinks in plain text and use a descriptive label or not.

=HYPERLINK(A1;IF(LEN(B1);B1;A1)) [show the label text B1 if any]
=HYPERLINK(IF(LEFT(A1)="mailto:";"";"mailto:";)&A1;IF(LEN(B1);B1;A1)) [prepend "mailto:"; if A1 does not start with "mailto:";, show label B1 if any]

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