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I have to send this on my private email for various [employment] 
reasons, so I can't mention where I work, but it's a large 
multinational corporation with a very 'conservative' public image.
I have been using first star office then OOo and now LO on linux since 
before Sun bought it from the original vendor, and I have been using 
the OSS version since the day after it was first available.  I'm 
considered 'useful but a loose canon' at the office, because I've 
championed OSS solutions since before they had that popular name, and I 
prototyped our original NON-M$ desktops on linux instead of windows 
over ten years ago and got it accepted.

At the office I have, over the years, gotten about 200 people to use 
OOo and now LO instead of msword.  For the most part the transition was 
painless and everyone was happy.

HOWEVER after I moved to 3.4.3 from the older 3.3.x releases I'm 
suddenly hearing a WORLD of complaints about one thing.

The assignnment of the key to bring up search and replace.

Basically they hate the change.

Now instead of a <CTRL>F they have to hit <CTRL><ALT>F instead, and 
while from my background as a programmer that seems a trivial change, I 
have had over 70 complaints about this in the last week alone (and 13 
more today). Secretaries, admin. assistants, and managers DON'T like 

So I have gone through the documentation and tried the various 
"options" available, but I don't see any way to give them what they 
want (<CTRL>F = find/search and replace), without editing the code, 
changing it there, and recompiling it myself.  I have to find a 
solution soon as one of the complaints is from a 'management' type who 
is 4 levels higher than I am.  He says to have it for him on Monday 

Is there a simpler solution? (replacing the users is NOT an option, 
however desirable...)

So if anyone can clue me in on this one, please help.

william w. austin                           
"life is just another phase i'm going through. this time, anyway ..."

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