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Am 12.09.2011 16:32, Ant Christy wrote:
I haven't found a good answer yet, but I have figured out a few more
symptoms. The reason the formula stops refreshing is because the formatting
of the cells is changed halfway through the spreadsheet. Basically the
formula set up is matching numbers in column D to numbers in column A and
using COUNTIF to total them. The numbers that we're working with are zip
codes, so some start with zero. In order to hold that place all cells start
with an apostrophe.

The formatting makes absolutely no difference in respect of your already entered data. It is guaranteed that no color, border, font and no other formatting attribute has any effect on your precious data and since all formula results calculate with data, formula results are affected neither.

Enter all your zip codes as text since you will never do any arithmetics on these sequences of digits. You enter literal text into a cell when it has been _prepared_ with number format code "@" or when you enter the numeric expression with a preceeding apostrophe which will not be part of the text value (just a tag meaning "do not evaluate this" analog to the "=" in front of a formula).

Number 1 is the exact same value as formatted number 0001, 1899-12-31, 100%, $1.00, TRUE or any other of the thousands of number format options which apply to numbers and numbers only.

Text value 1 is a character that happens to be a digit. Text "1" is not a number. This text value will never be equal to number 1 nor any of its manifestations. In _some_ situations LibO may treat this text "1" as if it were number 1 (unfortunately).

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