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On 09/02/2011 01:35 PM, Tom Browder wrote:
My Korean customer thinks the Korean Hangul font in LibreOffice is
very attractive and I would like to use the same font in a DocBook
document I create for him.   By looking at the document parameters for
one of the glyphs I see the name of the font but it's in Hangul.  How
can I find (and refer to) the font file when I can't use unicode on
the file system (or at least I don't know how to do it)?  Is there an
ASCII mapping for such font names?
This might work:

Open a new document. Select the font. Type a few characters (doesn't
matter if they are roman or hangul). Export as PDF/A-1a. Open in Adobe
Reader: File|Preferences|Fonts.

Example: I just tried this on an asian font without a roman label & the
font reports as:
WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono (Embedded Subset)
  Type: TrueType
  Encoding: Built-in
in Adobe Reader.

And sure enough I do have that installed as:
from the 'ttf-wqy-microhei' package (linux).

And info on that font (yes I know it most likely isn't the one you are

Description: A droid derived Sans-Seri style CJK font
 WenQuanYi Micro Hei font family is a Sans-Serif style (also known as Hei,
 Gothic or Dotum among the Chinese/Japanese/Korean users) high quality
 CJK outline font. It was derived from "Droid Sans Fallback", "Droid
 Sans" and "Droid Sans Mono" released by Google Corp. This font package
 contains two faces, "Micro Hei" and "Micro Hei Mono", in form of a
 True-Type Collection (ttc) file. All the unified CJK Han glyphs, i.e.
 GBK Hanzi, in the range of U+4E00-U+9FC3 defined in Unicode Standard
5.1 are covered, with additional support to many other international
 languages such as Latin, Extended Latin, Hanguls and Kanas. The font
 file is extremely compact (~5M) compared with most known CJK fonts.
 As a result, it can be used for hand-held devices or embedded systems,
or used on PC with a significantly small memory footprint. Because both
 font faces carry hinting and kerning instructions for Latin glyphs,
 they are the excellent choices for desktop fonts.

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