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I already did that. In Writer.xcu I had to change the property oor:name="AskForMerge" to false. 
Sometimes the whole node didnt exist, then I had to insert this complete node:

<node oor:name="FormLetter">
  <node oor:name="FileOutput">
   <node oor:name="FileName">
    <prop oor:name="FromDatabaseField" oor:type="xs:string">
    <prop oor:name="FromManualSetting" oor:type="xs:string">
    <prop oor:name="Generation" oor:type="xs:boolean">
  <node oor:name="MailingOutput">
   <prop oor:name="Format" oor:type="xs:int">
  <node oor:name="PrintOutput">
   <prop oor:name="SinglePrintJobs" oor:type="xs:boolean">
   <prop oor:name="AskForMerge" oor:type="xs:boolean">

So, I scanned the files in the Profile and the Application Directory for the strings >oor:name="FormLetter"< and 
>oor:name="AskForMerge"< but didnt find anything. I know that LibreOffice now stores all the information from the former 
writer.xcu and calc.xcu (aso) in the new "registrymodifications.xcu", but as this file has no linebreaks, its very hard to edit.

OK, I just renamed the "registrymodifications.xcu" to "registrymodifications.xcu.xml" and opened it 
in Internet Explorer. There I can see a nice ordered XML-Structure, but the structure has changed from the old 
XCU-Files, so it would be very much guessing and trial and error, to find the right spot to place the information into. 
And even then it's not guaranteed to work.

Sincerely, Claus Berghammer

Am 01.09.2011 11:47, schrieb Andreas Säger:
If you would know what exactly you had to edit in Writer.xcu, you could scan
the entire profile folder for the respective setting and try out. Yes, I
know that you know how to make backups of configuration files before

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