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------- one -----------

I did not see the other message[s] in the thread, so the question for me is: "Why do you need to install LO without Oracle's Report Builder"? Is there some install issue with that extension?
Also, since it is locked, how do you uninstall it with the Extension 
Can you un-archive the download files from LO's web site, then remove 
the Report Builder file from the install files there, and then install 
LO?  Or, would you get some install error when the "controlling" file 
looks for the Report Builder install file and since it does not find it, 
the install is stopped?
I use Ubuntu, not Fedora, so I do not remember if you would use RPM 
install files?
------- two -----------

Then there is the ongoing question of why people keep telling other to use Repository versions instead of downloading the install files from LibreOffice? I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and the repository version of LO is really old. So I have to install the LO download, instead of using the repository. At least I am not forced to use Firefox 6.x that is the default 11.04's repository.
------- three -----------

[off topic]
Why I have not upgraded so far.
I have not gone to 11.04 due to a "default" monitor resolution change from 10.04/10.10 to 11.04. My monitor the max resolution of my video card and 11.04 uses that for the default resolution install.
[end off topic]

On 08/31/2011 09:16 AM, Tom wrote:
Hi :)
I am not certain how to install LibreOffice without the report builder.
hopefully there might be something useful in this guide
But i would tend to use the package manager to install which-ever version
the Fedora people have put in the repos instead of downloading and
installing "by hand".  The package manager should make it all easy but you
just have to accept whichever version they have tweaked for Fedora.
Regards from
Tom :)

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