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Le 29/08/11 13:40, Paul Hochbaum a écrit :

Hi Paul,

do you have any idea, how to import data from FileMaker Pro databases in order to convert them 
into a libre database?

For the data, I have used CSV or SYLK in the past.
For the structure, export to *.BAS or *.MER (if those options are still
available) and then correct to fit the constraints accepted by Base.

Bear in mind that multi-valued fields, a favorite with FMPro
users/developers, are not directly transferable as these are not
supported by the HSQLDB backend engine.

Also, I seem to recall that the binary image fields of FMPro are not
importable either.

Date fields require validation/verification before importing into Base -
FMPro seemed to use non-standard date representation (but that would be
a general recommendation anyway, whatever the database).

Boolean fields can have 3 states in LO Base, True, False and Unset (i.e.

Multiple keys, if you have them, can sometimes be problematic.

Your field names should avoid extended latin characters, spaces and
punctuation such as question marks for best results. Such freedom of
choice is of course allowed in FMPro (or it was, unless Apple has
changed the way FMPro works).


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