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Hi :-) !
With all the problems I had with MS software, (one of the las was with Word XP which forced me to migrate to OO then LO), I can easily believe that they unable to implement their own standards, but that doesn't imply that there is not a marketing strategy behind! :-(
Le 28/08/2011 01:00, Tom Davies a écrit :
Hi :)
I think it depends on whether you mean the  implementation as actually used in
MS Office 2007&  2010 or the theoretical standard as agreed by various
organisations.  Why MS do not seem to have followed the standard they drew-up
could possibly be a marketing ploy, or at least perceived as such.  Either that
or they are inept at implementing their own standard.  Either way it does not
inspire confidence in using their new formats especially when they don't work
and their old formats do.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Jean-Louis Oneto<>
Sent: Sun, 28 August, 2011 0:38:44
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Document rendering flaw in LibreOffice

Hi Tom!
I'm surprised with that: IFAIK, the docx format was just the opposite:
the (XML) Open Format reply of Microsoft to the banning of proprietary
formats (the old .doc formats were especially targeted...) by the
governments of a lot of countries, starting with the USA, Japan, several
European countries...:
I suppose that if Microsoft made available a converter pack (with read
and WRITE capabilities), it was also not entirely for avoiding people to
buy the new versions of MSO...
Best regards,

Le 27/08/2011 20:39, Tom Davies a écrit :
Hi :)
If you can then please stick with the .doc format and avoid the .docX.  The
newer format is proprietary and was designed to be incompatible with non-MS
Office programs including LibreOffice.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Rogier F. van Vlissingen<>
Sent: Sat, 27 August, 2011 21:10:41
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Document rendering flaw in LibreOffice

I have one document, with some very simple graphic components in it, which
is refusing to load in LibreOffice Writer.

It has a few simple boxes in the layout, and it just suppresses them.
The problem goes away when I save them as a .doc in lieu of .docx

Any suggestions?

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Jean-Louis Oneto

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