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On 08/26/2011 03:44 AM, wrote:
        The problem I met, is that when the document is saved and closed, the scrolling bars are  
corrupted in  that way, that these are 0,05 mm high instead of 0,5 mm as I have set-up the bar.
        I have already tried to overcome this problem by inseert the scroll-bar first, save then 
the document and after that to complete the scroll-bar with its features.
        This has not worked at all, the same problem occured

2.    In the same document there are a lot of references made to others pages of the same 
        Very often I found that in some places these references are changed by the system (?) in 
a totsal different and not relevant reference.
        Each time this anomalie occurs, I have to reconstruct the references in the correct way.

Both these “errors” also happens in the version 3.3 of Calc. From there I have put 
the same remark (a few months ago)  without getting an answer. 
Is is possible to provide me with information about How to solve these two problems?

See bug
I submitted it a few weeks ago. It falls under the general heading of
"file corruption" which in my experience is common with OO / LO CALC if
you build anything of any consequence.

I also believe the IDE causes corruption as I see corruption errors pop
up shortly after I make changes via the IDE. My spreadsheet works fine
for months, but as soon as I touch it with the IDE I can expect issues
fairly quickly.

My testing tells me that these types of errors occur when the document
is saved to its xml form. When its in use ( in memory ) it functions
normally. When you save and reload it, that's when it comes out corrupted.

I have had cases where deleting a sheet in a spreadsheet document
functions fine after the delete. A save and reload produces a bogus
password error and the document is trashed. If its fine for hours after
the sheet delete, and then the document is trashed when it is
subsequently saved and reacquired, then the save / open code in LO is
most likely the source of the bug(s).

I've manually remove 110K of xml rubbish from a spreadsheet that is 250K
in its clean state. The routine that writes the spreadsheet to disk is
most likely the problem.

- -- 
Bill Gradwohl
Roatan, Honduras
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