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2011/8/25 Twayne <>:
Johnny Rosenberg <> typed:
2011/8/25 webmaster for Kracked Press Productions

Found 3.3.3 solved most of my issues that 3.3.2 had.

The rule is if you back up everything, then you will
crash when you update the most needed files just before
your next schedules back up procedure.

My problem is backing up a 1TB and a 2TB internal drive
and a 1TB external drive. B The unlimited backup
services do not have Linux applications, just Windows
and Mac. B I run Ubuntu, and its standard backup service
would cost too much. B Also my upload speed for my Cable
modem service would take over a month to upload all my
data - about double the max. dial-up upload speed but
10MB+ download speed. B So any online backup service is
out for my needs.

But you can always backup to external drives, right? You
just need to
buy a couple of really big onesb&

Backups are indeed important in that you can re-create your whole computer
drive in a half hour or so depending, instead of two days plus or renstallng
and resetting all the customzations. Wth a good backup, it's a couple
keyclicks & wait a half hour or so per disk.

OR, back up to DVDs every few months or whenever you've make more changes
that you could not re-create manually and they're important to you. Normally
I back up to DVD (DL, actually) every month and if there are new, important
files, back whenever you've created those. Then another person and I trade
backups every couple months just to have something off-site. The DVDs only
come in handy a couple times, but saved a LOT of grief and work. I backup C
by itself, then the data drves by themselves.
  At the same time I do any recovery, I first remove any encryption,
restore, and then re-encrypt and re-export the keys to go with it.



Personally I don't use CD/DVD because every time I need them to
recover something, some of the information on them is corrupted
anyway. Maybe it's just me or maybe I don't buy media that is
expensive enough, but that's my experience anyway. But that's me.
Everything is better than not doing any backups at all.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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