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Hi :)

Please could people send a "mug-shot" of themselves to Paulo asap? or instead of 
a "head&shoulders" perhaps showing you using LibreOffice and/or doing something 
interesting that might appeal to students?  Preferably not rude and preferably 
not guzzling tons of beer.  Hmm, is there anything else that students find 
interesting?? Lol.  

Drew has some pictures of people in other teams but there is a noticeable lack 
of people in suits, people that are not white, and smart ladies such as Sophie, 
Barbara, Regina and so on.  There are a couple of smart ladies in there already 
but not many.  Perhaps everyone else is camera shy?  I think it would be good to 
get a bit more diversity in there if we can but Paulo's deadline is so soon that 
we can't worry about it much this time 

Regards from
Tom :)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Paulo de Souza Lima <>
Sent: Mon, 22 August, 2011 14:57:31
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Collaborators' pictures

Hi, folks

Next thursday, I'll be lecturing at UTFPR (Federal Technological University of 
Parana) about LibreOffice, and I will focus in inviting people (mainly 
developers) to join us at LibreOffice Community. I'd like to show some people's 
faces who contributes to LibreOffice from other countries. Could anyone help 
providing your photos to be included in my presentation? I  have space for 10 
pictures with name and origin country.

Thank you very much in advance.


Paulo de Souza Lima
Técnico em Eletrônica e Administrador
Curitiba - PR
Linux User #432358
Ubuntu User #28729

"Para que as pessoas conquistem a paz em suas relações, a paz espiritual e a
paz entre os povos, é preciso que antes se ganhe a batalha interna das
virtudes sobre os defeitos" - Talal Husseini - Filósofo Acropolitano

"For people to achieve peace in their relationships, spiritual peace and the
peace among people, it's necessary, earlier, to win the internal battle
between virtues and defects" - Talal Husseini - Acropolitan Philosopher
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