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Hi :)
I agree.  

ZdNet are claiming that the special offer on HP Tablets will "finally kill the 
tablet market" with a claim that people don't buy iPads because they are good 
tablets  They say that people buy iPads because they are good Apple products.  
I'm not sure i completely agree about the first bit but the 2nd seems obvious.  

I'm not sure i would want a HP Tablet for $99 when there is a certainty that the 
hardware and the OS  are already completely unsupported.  Low Ram and stuff 
suggest that the first thing to do would be set-up a dual-boot into a Gnu&Linux 
and avoid ever using the default OS.  

A lot of people "in the city" (outside of their offices) seem to be using much 
smaller hand-held devices these days.  Netbooks and tablets seem much more rare 
now because Windows grinds to a halt on them.  Apple and Gnu&Linux seem to stay 
fast and work well on them so there are a few around, usually as a luxury item.  

It would be great if LibreOffice supported "gestures" but i have never had the 
opportunity to check if it already does or not.  It would be smart tho :)
Regards from
Tom :)

From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <>
Sent: Tue, 23 August, 2011 12:40:57
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Re: Ipad

On 08/23/2011 05:35 AM, Harold Fuchs wrote:

"Tom Davies" <> wrote in message
Hi :)
It might be good for reviewing documents on the train or small ad-hoc 
in restaurants and maybe doing a little light editing.  I think reviewing in
awkward places is where it would really score.

Sadly LibreOffice is not yet ready for mobile devices.  The closest is the
Portable Apps thing where you can install to usb-stick and then use on other
people's desktops.

Windows only, of course :-(

Also Google-docs complements LibreOffice and prefers the
same native format too.

Still, it would be nice to get a version of LO that works on Google's Android, 
or iPad's OS.

There are many "experts" out there stating that the tablet will be "death" of 
the PC market.  Until you can use it to print, scan, and all those other 
applications that you need the computing power and the ability to attached 
printers/scanners/etc., there will be a PC.  Also, until these tablets can have 
RAM in the 4GB range and storage in the 1-3TB range, there will still be PCs.

But, people will still need a good office package for their tablets.  LO's 
portable version is great for Windows based systems, but it would be useful if 
someone would look into what it would take to make an Android OS version of LO.  
That is a fast growing market that should be considered for a future market of 

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