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On 2011-08-18 12:11, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
I was, in a reply to another question, told that my questions were way
too basic for the list, so I'll give it a try
here instead.

I wrote some example code:

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Option Compatible
Option Explicit

Type MyType
        a As Integer
        b As Integer
End Type
Dim x(1) As MyType

Sub Main
        Dim y As MyType
        Dim i As Integer
        For i=0 To 1
        Next i

        MsgBox x(0).a&  x(0).b&  x(1).a&  x(1).b&  y.a&  y.b ' Displays 123456

        ReDim x(1) As MyType
        ReDim y As MyType
        MsgBox x(0).a&  x(0).b&  x(1).a&  x(1).b&  y.a&  y.b ' Displays 123400
End Sub

So if we have an array as MyType (or any other custom type, I
suppose), ReDim will not reset it.
Is this the expected behaviour or should I write a bug report?
If it is expected, why?

I guess it's unnecessary to mention that I am a complete beginner in
everything that has anything to do with computers; we guitar players
are quite stupid, you know.

Oh, and in case it matters:
LibreOffice 3.3.3, Ubuntu 10.10.
LibreOffice installed with the debs at

Best regards

Johnny ”The Moron” Rosenberg


'Dim x(1) As MyType' is a static array.  ReDim is for use with dynamic arrays.

Dim x() as MyType       'Dynamic Array

sub main()

        ReDim x(1) as MyType
End sub

Dim y as MyType is a variable, not an array, so ReDim should not work. But it does apparently, 
which may be the actual bug, unless there is a nuance I am missing.  Excel 03 does not allow it.

Strangely enough I could get your code to work in Excel with the correct usage of the ReDim (minus 
the ReDim y variable), but could not get it to work in LibreOffice.  Ran out of time as it is way 
past my bedtime.


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