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17.08.2011 16:15, Johnny Rosenberg пишет:
I have an issue where I get error messages for type mismatch sometimes
and sometimes not. After a lot of debugging I found the reason.

The code looks like this, kind of:

Public CatPoints(1 To 20) As Integer

Sub Something
Dim Points(13) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i=7 To 20
CatPoints(i)=Iif(MaxiPlayerCategory(i),-1,Points(i-7)) ' An type
mismatch error sometimes occurs here.
Next i
End Sub

Function MaxiPlayerCategory() As Boolean
End Function

The MaxiPlayerCategory function works fine and returns True or False
depending on external things, in this case it returns False, which
means that Points(i-7) is returned by the Iif statement.

So after debugging for quite a while I noticed that the Points()'
array changes its type to double for some elements, so some of them
remains Integer and a few of them are suddenly Double!
Why is that? Well, because the elements of Points() are calculated
differently depending on some stuff that is not important. Some of the
elements are calculated by functions and some are calculated directly,
something like Points(7)=3*something+2*somethingElse.

So when something is just calculated the return value of the operation
seems to be Double no matter what, and arrays seems to adopt to that
Of course I can correct this like this:

But some of my lines are long enough already and I want compact code
if possible, so my question now is:
Is there some way I can define/declare an array making it to refuse to
change type of its elements? That is, something that makes the return
value of an operation automatically converted to an Integer or that
forces the operation to stay Integer?

By the way, isn't it strange that
”Points(7)=3*something+2*somethingElse” makes Points() change the type
of an element while
”CatPoints(i)=Iif(MaxiPlayerCategory(i),-1,Points(i-7))” produce an
error message instead? Both CatPoints() and Points() are declared the
same way, except that CatPoints() is public to all modules.

I also noticed that automatic type conversion occurs when mixing
Integers with Strings:
Sub Main
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As String

y=LTrim(Str(x)) ' y="10".
y=x ' y="10". This one is faster than the other one too.
End Sub

Haven't tried with Doubles, but I guess that works too.
Also the other way around works:
Sub Main
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As String

x=Val(y) ' x=10.
x=y ' x=10.
End Sub

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

This code works fine in LibO3.4.2, OOo3.3.0, Go-OO3.2.1, too:

Sub main
msgbox 2 + "  " + cStr(10) ' =12
End Sub

vartype() function still gives different results for x and y in the examples. Maybe the types are converted automatically in some cases if type mismatch happens? If this happens you don't get any error messages and all works as if there were no errors.

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