** Reply to message from planas <jslozier@gmail.com> on Tue, 16 Aug 2011
20:12:42 -0400
On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 13:43 -0500, Cliff Scott wrote:
** Reply to message from Tom Davies <tomdavies04@yahoo.co.uk> on Tue, 16 Aug
2011 10:58:06 +0100 (BST)
Hi :)
I don't feel contempt or superior or anything. If a person has a problem i just
try to help if i can. A quick copy&paste is no hassle.
At a coffee shop we kept making a certain warning sign larger and larger.
Changed the font to red. Tried exclamation marks, road-side no-entry signs.
Nothing seemed to work, people would walk right by. So we switched to a tiny
sign with "Top Secret" printed at the top. Suddenly everyone started taking
Regards from
Tom :)
Unfortunately some mailers don't parse the email address correctly when
pasted and cut off the +help form the email address which is why I think so
many of the end up on this list.
The foorer is parsed correctly at my end, using gmail/evolution/ubuntu
11.04. Is it an improperly configured client?
In using a java based email client on WinXP it ends up with
users@global.libreoffice.org as the email address and +help as the subject.
The same client under eCS works fine so it could be the interface with XP and
the client or an issue within XP itself. Apparently Tom also has seen
incorrect parsing. Maybe if the plus sign was changed to a minus it would
work better, I don't know.
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