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Hi :)
I didn't know about the links and don't support the idea of using proprietary 
products if it's possible to avoid them.  I agree it would be great to use .odt 
but that it is more realistic to use .doc.  

You can set the default format to .Doc and similar by clicking on 
Tools - Options - +Load/Save - General
Then there are 2 drop-downs beside each other at the bottom.  With "Document 
Type" set at "Text Document" roll the other one back-up one place to "Microsoft 
Word (97/2000/Xp)".  For spreadsheets and presentations roll-back 2 places to 
avoid the "templates" options.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: NoOp <>
Sent: Sat, 13 August, 2011 2:34:53
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS Word .docx formatting in Libre Office

On 08/12/2011 03:19 PM, NoOp wrote:
There are considerable issue with OOXML/MOX[1] files:

Then again, Microsoft also has issues as well:
Your best bet is to ask users to use .doc rather than .docx (preferably
.odt, but we all know that isn't realistic).


Sorry, forgot to mention that there is a commercial package that does a
very nice job with .docx. Even the export to .odt included the notes
from the file that I tested:


You can try a working linux demo for 30 days:

I just installed (deb version) and it does a pretty nice job. Looks
quite like LO/OOo/StarOffice. Interesting that comes out of Germany -
the home of StarOffice & they've been around for quite some time. Also
interesting (albeit old - 2006) interview:
Louis Suarrez-Potts.

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