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On 08/08/2011 07:01 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
On 08/08/2011 06:56 PM, NoOp wrote:

In attempting to help Bob Stia in the 'password problem' thread, I came
across this macro:


Interesting. I am familiar with the author. He has provided much advice 
to the community.

This works *if* you have the *exact* password in the password file.
Unfortunately it doesn't take regex etc., so it's only useful if the
exact password is in the dictionary/password file. Is there any way to
modify the macro so that it will try variations?



Password is 'test'.
- try 't' and combinations of 't' for length 4.

similar to pdfcrack.
Would probably require some work to write it as  you desire. For a one 
shot deal, however, it might be just as easy to simply generate a text 
file created in a spreadsheet.

Otherwise, you would want to remove the file I/O related commands such as:

Opening the file:
     iFile = FreeFile ()
     open sDicFile for input as iFile

** Rather than opening a file, you would initialize your test password 
with something.

Closing the file:
     close #iFile

Reading the file:
Line Input #iFile, sPass

**** Rather than reading the file, you simply need to automatically 
choose the next password based on the current password. At one time, I 
wrote a checker that would check based on some assumed characters. I 
posted the code on the OOo forum.

Thanks Andrew. I've no experience with macros, so it will be a good
learning experience.

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