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body p { margin-bottom: 0.3cm; margin-top: 0pt; }
On 08/07/2011 09:01 PM, planas wrote:Alex,

On Sun, 2011-08-07 at 11:11 +0300, alex bodnaru wrote:body
      p { margin-bottom: 0.3cm; margin-top: 0pt; }
hello friends,

i'm asking for help with setting the column widths for a grid

anyone with some insight could help.

thanks in advance,

alexMy guess is you want two or more columns on a webpage. The p tag sets
the options for all generic paragraphs and is not used to make columns.
You could use side by side divisions (div tag) with specified widths.
Each paragraph in a division should wrap correctly within the division

thanks for your answer planas.

my question was about the grid control used
          in dialogs in macros.

i manage to create a grid, but
          the width of it's columns (before entering data at least)
          doesn't fit the titles widths.

the model of each column in a
          grid has a fieldColumnWidth, but setting it gives
      no benefic result.

so maybe i don't understand what i should do to have the columns
      be as wide as to show their titles (while i'd like to completely
      hide some other columns.

the column.Resizeable is True by default, but setting it
      explicitly to true makes a progress in showing columns with
      maxwidth0 and hiding columns with maxwidth = 0. but the data
      hscroll doesn't function.

that's why i'm asking for a recipe to set the column widths.

thanks in advance,


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