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        There are two programs that you can use for check the diferences
between both files:

1) Meld
2) Kdiff3

        Both programs are in the Ubuntu repository.


Jorge Rodríguez


El vie, 05-08-2011 a las 19:50 -0300, Preston Smith escribió:

Hopefully someone can help me out.

I maintain in Calc the regional section of a National membership file of 
Alumni. There are about 650 members in my regional Calc file.

Each record is keyed to an unique College number and consists of about 
26 fields of data including First/Last names, address, telephone number, 
etc.  On a monthly basis, the national office sends me a 'pull' in Excel 
format from their national database.  Since changes, additions, and 
deletions are not annotated by National, I have to manually compare each 
record in the latest listing with the appropriate record in my files. As 
you can imagine, doing this manually takes a long time when there are 
about 650 records involved.

Assuming that the Column headers are the same in both files (not 
necessarily in the same order), is there a way that I can compare the 
two files to create a listing by College Number of fields that do not 
agree, and records that have been deleted or added?

I am computer savvy but failed programming miserably so I need the input 
of the many smart people on this list.  I do follow instructions well so 
could be led by the nose to create what is required.

Thank you for your patience and help



Jorge Rodríguez

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