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Hi Simon,

Thank you very much your repeated tests and advice.

I entirely agree with your view.

I would like to know a workaround ofsome kind, if you have any idea.


(2011/08/05 15:11), Simon Cropper (The foss Workflow Guides) wrote:
Hi Hirono,

You are right, on reopening saved versions it seems to reset the value
back to default. At least now it does.

If I open LO then change, save and reenter Impress Print Setting in LO
the setting is retained.

If I open LO save a file after previously setting the Impress Print
Setting, the value return to default.

If I reset the value and exit the reenter LO and
   -- open new file, the adjusted setting is retained
   -- open an existing file, the adjusted setting is retained

If I save the file
   -- setting is retained while changed file is open
   -- setting is now reset to default on reopening the file and
      continues to reset the value despite me changing the value.

If I create a new file and start again the value update is sticky until
I reopen a saved document.

*My take on what is happening*

The 'Page options' is being saved to file (or at least attempted to be
saved to file. When you open an existing document it overwrites the
saved data into the configuration file for Impress.

The problem appears to be that the value selected for 'Page options' is
not being set, despite being updated when an existing file is reopened,
or is being stored incorrectly.

You will need to post a bug on the system and get one of the developers
to change this behaviour, to me it does appear to be a BUG.

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