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I wonder if there is some code that tries to match the image sizes to the resolution of the screen. Since the resolution you state on the netbook seems to be a non-standard, the system cannot figure out what is what.

I do not know if that is correct, but it seems to me that there is something in the file that deals with screen size/resolution.

On 07/28/2011 12:57 PM, Bill Gradwohl wrote:
Hash: SHA1

I have a spreadsheet containing 39 sheets, of which 21 are duplicates of
one another. They represent tables in a restaurant.

On an average laptop or desktop, everything is fine. When I load this up
on a netbook with lousy resolution (1024x600), every time I save the
file, the buttons on the 21 sheets get smaller and smaller till they
some of them have a height of .06cm making them unusable. I leave the
screen scaling at 100%.

I manually went thru 10 of the sheets and using the forms control tool
reset each button to its proper dimensions. Everything looked good as I
went from sheet to sheet. I saved the file and brought it back up and
the height that was .50cm is now .33cm or .31cm. Why they are different
is a mystery. Another save and reload AND SOME OF THE BUTTONS are
smaller still.

I have no code that attempts to manipulate the buttons, so I conclude
that LO is making the changes, and is making these changes permanent
across saves. If I move the file back to my development laptop, its trashed.

I understand scaling due to resolution issues, but rewriting my code
permanently has got to be a bug.

I tested this on Fedora 14 as OpenOffice and Fedora 15 as LibreOffice.
Both display the identical problem.

I can supply additional details, as the whole story has some additional
twists, but I'd like to know if this will be taken as a serious issue.

- -- Bill Gradwohl
Roatan, Honduras
504 9 899 2652 (No email please-IM only)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


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