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Good morning
I have noted this in the past already several times, but since this is
not something I use frequently just ignored it.

I am trying to spellcheck in Calc.
Set the language to German (English seems to (?) work).
Start spelling.
Speller encounters unknown term -> instruct to "ignore once"
For reasons unknown it hangs up here.
Where the button "ignore once" was, now "Resume" is displayed.
Click Resume -> unknown term -> instruct to "ignore once" -> Resume

Once this cycle starts the speller NEVER gets out of that cell again.
And if this happens say in the third cell of a 5,000-cell sheet ---
it renders the spell checker completely useless.

Is there a way of telling the spell checker it has more work to do?

*** Also - sorry for the confusion - but, ...
the function "ignore all" seems not to be working.
Since I constantly get those funny viscious cycles mentioned above I am
not really sure about Calc,
but in Writer this is a constant + persistant behavior.
Regarding THIS behavior, I have to admit I was very much annoyed by it
in Wordperfect, Word and other software too.

I wish there were a magic spell that could fix these very
counterproductive ticks.

Thank you in advance

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