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This could be related to the bug I have assumed that the input/editing field (formula bar?) in calc is untyped, it is plain text without formatting. The bug above results I think from formatting from the paste not being stripped.

I have found another peculiarity. May be it stems from pasting in the end of string terminator or some formatting info.
LO3.3.2 on Linux does not suffer this problem. LO3.4.1 on mac does.
Type a date into the formula bar/input field, say 2011-03-12 (or 12/03/2011).

Say you want to repeat dates changing just one part and want to paste the rest to save time.

highlight and copy the start part 2011-03-
click in a new cell, paste into the input field so you have 2011-03- and type 08 so you get the date 2011-03-08 and press enter. The data is entered as a date.

Now do the same thing again but highlight and copy the end part -03-12
click in a new cell, type 2010 and paste into the input field so you have 2010-03-12 and press enter. The data is entered as general. You can change the data type to date and you can subtract these numbers as dates but they do not sort as dates or change format to a different date format.

This also happens if I paste into the middle. I.e. type 12/(paste 10)/2010. Only when I paste to the beginning is it accepted as a date. I.e. (paste 10)/12/2010

If this can this be replicated on non-mac 3.4.1 I will file a general bug.


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