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Some in-bedded pictures are more in-bedded than others, when this happens I blow the picture up as big as I can, then use "screen print", paste into my Picture editor (Paint Shop Pro), crop my desktop to just the picture and save as a .jpg or just copy & paste into the word text box - simples.

It may seem complex, but its very quick and of course it does help if you have 2 monitors.




On 22/07/2011 15:03, Tony Royston wrote:

Thanks for your reply.  The images are embedded and not in a frame.  The anchoring used is whatever 
is default, I didn't select anything specific.

I shall try altering the anchoring, and using a frame, and see what happens.



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Douglas Pitonyak []
Sent: Friday,22 July, 2011 13:20
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer images disappeared!

On 07/22/2011 08:47 AM, John B wrote:
Now, I know some people are not keen on this work around, but if you
paste your picture into a text box (Insert>frame), it works. You have
to remove the box borders so that the text box does not show *and*
they will stop the pictures moving around.
Interesting. Historically, I had to remove pictures from text frames
before they would export (so I stopped placing images in text boxes if I
had to later convert to an MSO file format).

John, I take your comment to say that this should work (image in a
frame) if the text frame is not visible.


are your images embedded in the document, or are they inserted as links?

How are the images anchored? I always anchor AS CHARACTER when I want to
export to an MSO format

Are the images in a text frame? If yes, what happens if you have an
image that is NOT in a text frame?

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