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Night wrote:

No, I don't change anything, I just hit enter 3x like I did with OpenOffice and assumed it 
would work like OpenOffice.

So your using empty paragraphs, which should work.  I just tried and
have no problem.  The way your doing it is one way but not the best.
You should be using styles to define the looks of the paragraphs and it
will be more consistent.  Using a word processor like a typewriter is
bad form and will lead to formatting issues.


Yes, that's it! And it worked with OpenOffice and since they seemed so similar (except 
LibreOffice is nice, light and quick where OO was slow and clunky), I thought it would work, but 
once saved and uploaded, I look and it didn't. So I didn't even know it wasn't working till it 
was all said and done.
So, another question would be how do I go about styling paragraphs? Again, I'm new and never had 
to worry about it with OO.

Thank you!

It should be working, as I said it works as expected here.

As for styles there is no quick answer.  Styles are used to define how
pages, paragraphs and characters look on a page.  You best choice is to
got to  and download
or read the Working with Styles chapter of the Writers guide.


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