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On 07/16/2011 09:18 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-07-16 18:36, Twayne a écrit :
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<> typed:
Just got an email from Drew,

In a week or so, there should be a link for the initial
ISO based upon the CMS server system of the North
American Community DVD.  From there we hope to have a
"final" version after this initial ISO is tested.  But it
is good news that the initial ISO is well ahead of the
initial schedule for release.  I thank Drew for taking
the pages on the testing protal and converting them to
the CMS server system.
I would love to have people look at the old version on
the testing portal and then go to the new CMS version and
see what is needed to make the CMS version the best it
can be.
The LibreOffice-NA.US testing portal will have links to
the ISO files generated by the CMS server system. Although, there are
things that I am not completely found
of with that system, in the long run, it will make the
updating and advancement of the NA DVD easier and better
for serving the North American Community.
After the CMS version is tested, the LibreOffice-NA.US
site will be part of the information chain promoting and
linking to all the pages that are a part of the North
American Community DVD support system.  Links to the
ISOs, Links to the Wiki pages, and maybe even screen
shots of the actual DVDs themselves.
Now, all we need to do is get a list of places that would
like to "mirror" the ISO files, ours and the other
projects, so there are more than one server/network
hosting these files.  It is always best to have more than
one place to have important files stored, just in case
there is a problem with one server/network.  OOo has been
having problems with their server/network over the past
months, so when that was down, no one could get access to
the files they wanted.  I do not want to see the ISO/DVD
projects to have that problem.  I thing by spreading
these ISO files, mirrored several places, there would
always be a place where the users can find them.

First, ALL bugs& problems need to be worked out; this post smacks of OOo and abandoning a lot of the initial bugs in favor of going CMS, which is a
mistate to begin with IMO.

Hi Twayne,

For those of us who were not part of OOo, could you explain your comment?



Yes I would like to hear that as well.

Drew is working hard on converting the LibreOffice-NA.US testing portal's 3.3.x English version to the CMS server/system that may be the default place for localized DVD projects who want to have their project's site on a server that will share its resources with other projects. [Like taking including the dictionary list folder from the North American project and including it with the a South American, an Australian, or an European, project [if they are developed].

So what is the problem announcing that there will soon be a CMS version of the project/DVD to be tested out.

I do say "initial" and after that "initial" version is tested. Once that initial DVD ISO is created and offered to the users to download and TEST, we can find out from others what else needs to be done to move it towards a more "finalized" version of the NA-DVD. It will never be really "finalized" since every time there is an update of the LO install versions, we will need to update the NA-DVD to reflect that new install [bug-release installs included]. The same with when the dictionaries are updated. We would want the users to have the access to those new dictionaries as soon as they come out and are tested with LO. The French and German dictionaries were updated over the past few months. The four major French dictionaries have been updated/improved three times in the past year.

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