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        Select the cell where you want to set the list in the first sheet. Then
make a validation list: Menu-Data-Validation, select List. Write there
your list, then accept.

        Now you only have to copy the cell that have the list to the other

        I saw, but I don't know why, that when someone move the cursor to the
other cell the check box list disappears. I think this is bad an a
problem. I solve it makeing a "name" in the cell that have the list and
what ever you are into the sheet you can find the list. Remenber that in
each sheet you have to make a name for each list...but it is easy: only
put cursor in the left top box that show the cell where the cursor is
(A1 for example), and then write there the name of the list. The name
hasn't compoused words (some words), except if you use "_" between
words: Example: First_List_Sheet1.


Jorge Rodríguez

El vie, 15-07-2011 a las 12:05 -0400, Chad Neeper escribió:
Is it possible to create a List Box in Calc so that the exact same list 
box shows up on multiple or all sheets in the document? (I'm not looking 
to have _copies_ of the list box on the various sheets.)
*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

/Full LAN/WAN consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and schools/


Jorge Rodríguez

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