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From: "Roland Hughes" <>

People have been poking at this from different angles based upon what
"they" want, and what "they think" LibreOffice is or should be.  Putting
it bluntly, they are all incorrect.  When you work in IT for a
significant length of time and reach the Architect or procurement level
there is a single definition which has existed LONG BEFORE MS OFFICE
EVER CAME OUT.  In that world, and "Office" package is defined as

A standardized bundle of software, that, when installed with the base
operating system on a desktop allows a corporate worker to do at least
90% of their job.

This definition has existed since the days of DOS before we even hand
reliable networks in corporate offices.  The "bundle" varies company to
company.  Believe it or not, it used to include PC-TOOLS and WordPerfect
at most shops then.  After it became determined that each user needed
Internet access the package requirements became: Browser email word processor
Calendar tool
drawing program
database reporting tool

Some companies add presentation tool to the list, only because MS forces
that down their throat and sells them Visio for extra money.

The more highly integrated these tools are, the easier it is to bring on
new users because the keystrokes will be the same, and, they can share a
common contact database with more robust features.  The KOffice project
understood this.  OpenOffice explains why SUN went bankrupt.  They
wanted to show off Java, fine, but they left out most of the package.
LibreOffice is in the same boat.  The only one really benefiting from OO
and LO right now is IBM because they bundle their Symphony package into
Lotus Notes with full integration.  The "Notes" environment provides all
of the missing "Office" pieces.

<snip >

One thing is certain.  As Qt continues to expand its application
framework, there will be less and less of the KDE libs needed which will
make it easier for Calligra to continue supporting all of the platforms
it supports.

Your logic is a bubble off plumb.

We were doing DOS based SpreadSheets (ex: VisiCalc) long before MOSAIC and the ARPANET 
becoming main stream.

Browser part of an Office Suite - NO.

Office automation needs have changed.  Let us not forget Today's need for digital forms 
and workflow.

You wrote...

"No U.S. troops have ever lost their lives defending our ethanol reserves."

No but they have lost their lives so you can make stupid political statements like that.

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