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On 06/23/2011 03:01 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 23/06/11 10:48, Tom Cloyd a écrit :

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your involvement. Do see my recent success about success with
this effort. I will post in a second with a link to the database that
works, it that would be of any use. I am, nevertheless, very interested
in any thing your learn, given what I had to do to get things working
(abandon use of view/queries totally).

I'm afraid that Base, in its current LibO form, is very buggy in a
niggling, frustrating, sort of way. To be fair, some (but not all) of
the bugs have been inherited from recent code when it was
merged into the LibO source tree, but nonetheless, the bugs still need
to be addressed.

Unfortunately, there is no Base-specific developer on the LibO
development team (either voluntary or salaried). So, if the issues are
not addressed, the Base module can only go from bad to worse. If you
happen to know someone who would be interested in helping out with the
development of the Base module, then please try and convince him or her
to join the project - and if you don't, please spread the word !!

One of the reasons I have stalled my translation efforts for Base
documentation is because of the flaky behaviour. It is very difficult to
be able to justify writing coherent documentation for a module that
changes its behaviour radically from one minor version to the next.


I was just having the same thought. I want to document, but if the darned thing doesn't work, then why bother.

That said, I saved myself from despair LAST night (am not feeling despairing tonight!) by reminding myself that both my current projects started as spreadsheet flat files 'cause that's all I've had since abandoning Microsoft and Access. Just being to create master/detail forms is huge, as a step forward from that, and THAT has always worked for me in Base.

I can live without list boxes, but it means referring to pages of paper taped to the wall, so I can produce something that can be input to a main table > detail table form. As of tonight it appears that I may not have to go that route. However, unordered source tables for list files can quickly become unusable, and does need to be fixed.

As for the missing programmer problem, I'm a bit aghast that in the open source world there isn't someone interested in working on what I believe is the only real alternative to Access. I've searched several times, and there really isn't anything else - well, maybe something like Oracle, and stuff of that ilk. But that isn't the solution for the common man, or for those not well-bankrolled.

Base simply needs to be supported. What I see of it looks very usable, and I enjoy working with it. We just need more of it to work.


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